What I took from 2020...and what it couldn’t take from me.

-Tricia Brouk, Founder of The Big Talk | Award winning director, writer, filmmaker, author and former TEDx Producer

Wonder Girls Speaker/ Mentor

"I have always believed that when you have a voice, you have an obligation to use that voice to empower others." ~ Diane Von Furstenberg

The end of 2020 (and the beginning of 2021) has no doubt brought up a lot of feelings for you—as they have for most of us.

2020 is not a year we will soon forget, nor should we.

In addition to everything else last year brought us, living through a global pandemic is without a doubt a life-altering experience. It caused us to pause to reevaluate to pivot. And it’s not over yet.

However, I want you to know that I fully believe this pandemic is not an excuse for us to stop doing the powerful work we are meant to do in the world.

The world needs your voice and your story, and it needs them now.

My tips for you are:

  • Be yourself, talk about what you know, and get vulnerable.

  • Don’t worry that you don’t have ideas worth sharing. They are in there, you just need to learn how to find them.

  • If you just start, you will get words on the page and be one step closer to your game-changing, big talk.

  • Consider all of your movement choices in your talk and when you rehearse, don’t be afraid to call it choreography. Being conscious of when you’re moving and why will elevate your talk to the next level.

  • Don’t reach into your bag of tricks during your talk. If your tears aren’t genuine, you don’t need them.

Be the speaker you are meant to be. Stay on your beautiful, unique path. And trust the process.

Was 2020 the year I envisioned it to be? Absolutely not. But was I able to still find a way to powerfully show up for my people? Yes!

If you don’t share your story, your voice, your perspective, you are doing a disservice not only to yourself, but to our world.

I know you’ve been through so much this past year and I want you to know I’m in your corner. I’m your strongest ally and your biggest fan, but I also want you to know that this pandemic doesn’t have to (and shouldn’t) stop you from stepping up and making an impact.

I believe in you and your life-changing, big ideas. You are meant to shake this world and I want to help you do it. This year, I want everyone to see you, to hear you, and to be moved by your powerful story.

I’m inviting you to own your voice and your story in 2021. Don’t be afraid to get creative in how you show up, but please do show up. Be there for your people and serve in the amazing way that only you can.

Take those brave, imperfect steps this year and see how far you can go! Go tell your story and make this world a better place.

Learn more about Tricia at triciabrouk.com and be sure to catch up during our September 2021 Wonder Girls workshop to discuss public speaking and presentations.


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