The Straight Up Definition of the Word “Friend”

-Peyton Einwohner, 11 years old

I bet you have heard the phrases, “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” or “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out,” or some other quote that explains what a true friendship is.  Now, these phrases are all very true.  Except, take a second to think, have you really ever taken these into consideration?  Have you ever dwelled upon the fact that maybe, just maybe, you are only friends with someone for their popularity, or their intelligence, or even for their generosity in helping you?  These people could be amazing people to be friends with, but don’t take advantage of them.  Hang out with them because you enjoy yourself when you're with them or because they bring out the best in you, as you should do for them.

I just started middle school this year, and it’s very different.  Four schools combined with many new kids, new teachers, new subjects, and even new reputations.  Let’s get real for a second.  There is definitely that group of popular kids that you want to be a part of, or are already a part of.  There are tons of girls who want to be like them; they want to be popular, and get attention.  But let me say it straight up, it's not worth it. It really isn’t. 

Don’t spend your time lying, finding ways to get attention, and judging yourself or others just for popularity

It will take you nowhere.  Nothing good will ever come out of it.  I have been lucky enough to go to school with such amazing girls.  They are what some people consider “the popular crew,” but I give them so much credit.  They are genuinely kind and honest.  They didn’t make their way off of lies, in fact the complete opposite.  

I have to admit, I didn’t always have this mindset.  In fact, for a long time when I was in early elementary school, this one girl that I went to preschool with, Kaitlyn, was making so many new friends.  It started with Kaitlyn, Emma, and I in preschool.  Then all of a sudden, we get to Kindergarten and Kaitlyn becomes popular and has so many new friends and Emma just fits right in.  I would play with them at recess and try to go along with everything, but I was always the one following from the back.  I was so not ready for all of it, so I became a bit jealous and annoyed that she wanted to hang out with other people.  As we got older and I understood where she was coming from more, I became friends with all of them and no longer felt that way, but there was still a little side of me that just wanted things to go back to the way they were.  I had enjoyed having a smaller circle of friends.  Friendship has its interesting moments and teaches you a lot about yourself.

It took me a while to come around, but I did.  When I met Alphy in fourth grade, she changed me.  We became such close friends and she was just genuinely nice. I never brought up what it was like with my other group of friends, but she still somehow changed me.  She, like me, preferred having a smaller circle of friends, and because of her, I realized that it was okay for me to have my opinions, but I should never forget those of others.  I even grew to like a big group of friends!  I was able to fix my relationship with everyone so that I could strike a balance.  To this day I remain amazing friends with Alphy, I have such a close relationship to everyone in our “crew,” and I've made new amazing friends, like Alexa.  My friendships feel true to me and I feel fortunate.

For those of you who were hoping I would say that you will end up being popular, the truth is that, I can’t.  People say that if you are just yourself around people you will be popular and I can assure you that it’s the best way to be. The one thing I can promise you is that being yourself will make you popular amongst your friends and give you an amazing experience. 

So think about the qualities you want in a friend.  Now take every chance you get to make friends with those qualities, and tell any friend you have right now who has been amazing, that you appreciate them.  Show them how much you really care because I bet you don’t tell them enough.  You will see that if ever the rest of the world walks out, they will still be right there with you. 

About Peyton Einwohner: I am 11 years old.  I go to Westwood Regional Middle School.  I love my amazing family, my most trusted friends, and all of my teachers that have given me more than what is in black and white.


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