Using Social Media for the Greater Good of HumanKIND

-Yana Giannoutsos, 14 years old

Social media is another atmosphere wherein insecurity, shaming, and bullying all take place. What many do not realize, though, is that personal insecurity is at the root of these negative comments we have unfortunately become accustomed to seeing and receiving. If every girl was secure with herself, then the rate of this shaming would significantly decrease, if not completely diminish. Social media has morphed from what it was intended to be: a platform to enable vast communication and unity despite distance to a platform rooted in altering ourselves just to fit the standard which society has placed, and a platform where people are shamed for superficial reasons. We should not give into the standards put forth by society; the unattainable expectations we believe we should hold ourselves to; nor the comments we receive. Recognizing the value of other women must first begin with recognizing our own value as human beings, and accepting ourselves for who we were meant to be; not for who society tells us we should be. Rather than using social media and other online platforms for these reasons, we ought to use it for empowerment, and honesty.  

Moreover, in order to achieve female empowerment, we must allow it to take root in our larger communities. Not merely the school buildings or our online platforms, but in the places we attend locally, and within our communities. Being a positive member of a community could not only improve a local issue, but also encourage others to do the same, and create a culture of unification. In our daily lives, with whomever we come in contact with, by treating them with kindness, by recognizing their value, and of course, by recognizing our own, the world has the potential to change for the better, and to continue to raise up its women leaders for the right reasons; not for external beauty, materialistic items, or monetary success, but rather for kindness, love, faith, strength, grit, and power: attributes which every girl has. 

We all have our own stories to tell, and we have all had struggles. Yet we continue to face them with resilience, and strength. By empowering other women to do the same, and by placing value in ourselves, we can and will unite for the better of not only the female population of our world, but for the benefit of all of humanity. This truly is a wonderful world to live in. Let’s make the best of it as women, and as strong, and passionate people. Through this, we can rise and empower in kindness, strength, and power.  

ABOUT ME: I am 14 years old. I attend Wilton High School. I love to spend time with my family and friends, spend time outdoors, and run.


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