How I Became a Director of Community Relations

Joyce White is the Director of Community Relations for Artis Senior Living, an assisted living community that focuses on memory care, located in Rockland County. Joyce holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Associate’s degree in Hospitality Administration focusing on Hotel and Restaurant management.

What was that pivotal moment in your life that you knew what you wanted to do as a career?

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My career has been a kaleidoscope reflecting all that I studied throughout college and through my work internships. My work experiences have become an asymmetrical pattern that has led me to what I am doing today within the healthcare industry. The moment that I knew this is what I wanted to do as a career was when my mother passed away. My mother struggled with complex health issues. I was her Power of Attorney. I the (daughter) was faced with creating positive partnerships with doctors, nurses, and social workers and then make critical decisions for my mother’s wellbeing.  The pivotal moment that I knew this is what I wanted to do as a career was being my mother’s power of attorney as she struggled with her illness.  You see, I had mastered business sociology. I was extremely successful as an Executive Director of Events and Trade Shows for Wine Enthusiast Inc. (Magazine & Companies) managing groups’ organizations, and human interaction to enhance business. When my mother passed away, I made a vow that I would apply my expertise that I had successfully demonstrated in the wine world to the healthcare industry.

Did you have any internships or work experiences that helped get you to where you are today?

As the Account Executive for Westchester Magazine, my business account was the The Osborn, a Continuing care retirement community located in Rye, NY. Jane Fox, VP of Marketing and Fundraising, an accomplished woman and well respected in the community, met with me to discuss her local (regional) advertising schedule. I have to be honest, I was intimidated at first, but we started talking about her vision and message for the Osborn and was able to successfully position the idea of an independent, assisted living or rehab facility as not being the end of an elderly adult’s future.

What do you love most / dislike about your career?

I love what I do because I am able to meet and interact with people from all facets and walks of life. I have had the opportunity to enjoy the high life of individuals’ lives by hosting the most extraordinary celebrations courtesy of the wine world and now, I am working at the other spectrum of human life. When faced with health challenges such as dementia/Alzheimer’s I discover what the individual was before the disease and celebrate their uniqueness. Celebrating our future resident’s uniqueness is what I love most about what I do.  What I dislike about what I do is that there is not a cure for dementia/Alzheimer's. I pray for a cure. COVID-19 has become my biggest professional challenge.  Believing in science has helped me overcome it.

What advice would you give to a young girl?

I would like to leave all my Wonder Girls with this thought I have carried throughout my career thus far which is, “It’s okay to dream big. Listen to your inner voice and what makes you smile throughout the day. What makes you smile will become your greatest success.”

Want to get in touch with Joyce? Here’s how you can connect with her:

Joyce C. White, Director of Community Relations | Artis Senior Living (Memory Care)




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