How I Became a Lifestyle Coach

Learning to heal from over 20 years of domestic violence, Dawn Phillips, takes us through her personal and professional life journey on how she turned her life into a service of helping others….


What is your job title/company name and role?

My job title is Owner of Dawns Conscious Living & Lifestyle Coaching

Where and what did you study in college?

I earned my associate degree in Business Administration through the University of Phoenix online learning. I am currently enrolled at Southern New Hampshire University to finish my bachelor’s degree in Psychology via the online learning environment.

What was the pivotal moment that you knew this is what you wanted to do as a career?

In February of 2019, I published my first book entitled “Your Voice Your Choice, Free From Past Pain.” It was at that point in life that I discovered my life purpose was to help people. Becoming a certified Life Coach and Health and Wellness Coach afforded me the opportunity, along with personal experiences, to focus my time and attention toward helping individuals conquer their fears and overcome any obstacles that might be blocking them from living their lives to their full potential.

Did you have any internships or career experiences that helped you get to where you are today?

No, I did not have any internships. Where I am today is based on a combination of past life experiences as well as multiple certifications. I continue to further my education every opportunity I get to give my customers a gratifying breakthrough experience.

What do you love most about what you do?

The ability to help others unlock their full potential and make them think. It is amazing the results that are produced simply by asking themselves questions as they pertain to their lives and their current and past experiences. I love helping others identify their life purpose and see that “ah-ha” moment. When clients can make changes in their mindset and their behaviors that make sustainable lifelong changes to their overall well-being.

What do you dislike about what you do?

Nothing. It is gratifying on multiple levels.

Tell us a personal/professional challenge you faced and how you overcame it.

Learning to heal from over 20 years of domestic violence that date back to my childhood. Those experiences began with my father and carried into my adulthood and my relationships. It also affected my health. The way I finally overcame it was through genuine forgiveness not only for those who abused me but also for forgiving myself. Writing my book also allowed me to complete my healing process.

If you could give yourself advice while you were in high school, what would it be?

Don’t be in such a rush to “grow up.” Enjoy being a teenager and young adult while you can. Being grown comes with many responsibilities and once you go down that path, there is no return. Accomplish your goals. Travel. Further your education. Wait to have children. Focus on things that truly bring you happiness and live for yourself, not others.


Love Yourself First - Never Settle for Anything Less Than What You Deserve


Part 2: 4 Practical & Simple Tips to Help Grow Your Child’s Self-Esteem