10 Life Skills You Should Know How to Do By High School

By the time you get into high school and start preparing for either college, trade school, or work life, there are a few life skills you should have down pat. Check out our list we put together on the top 10 life skills you should have by the time you get to high school, and we promise you, you’ll be 10 steps ahead of the game!

1.  Make your bed every morning and change your sheets once per week.

As small as this task sounds, studies show that the most successful people in the world, make their bed every morning! It’s the first task of the day and gives you a sense of accomplishment. Plus, you MUST change your sheets once per week, so pick a day to do laundry and make that a habit. You have to keep up with good hygiene and that starts with the sheets you sleep in!

2.  Do laundry.  Know to separate whites from colored clothes.

Learning how to do your laundry is essential, especially when you’re living on your own without a parent or guardian doing laundry for you. Learn to separate your colors from your whites and add the right temperature to each load of clothes.

3.  Know how to cook at least one meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Three meals a day are important. You don’t have to be a chef to make each meal, but being able to eat something filled with nutrition will give you the energy you need throughout your day. Learn the essentials of cooking.

4.  Use a credit card responsibly.

Take the time to learn about credit, interest rates, and how to use a credit card responsibly. Don’t get yourself into major debt before you even step into the real world! It will affect your credit score and your ability to buy a car, house, or take out a loan. Start saving young and be responsible with your money.

5.  Write and sign a check.

Learning how to write a check is a basic life skill that everyone should know how to do whether you plan to write checks or not. Besides, the knowledge helps you understand the basics of banking transactions. Make sure you have your own unique signature too in order to properly sign the check!

6.  Sign your name in script.

Learning to write in script has several advantages, but learning to sign your name is especially important for everyday scenarios such as restaurant bills, documents, and packages.

7.  Clean your room. 

You should always keep your space organized. Studies also show that the most successful people are organized! That starts with your room. Properly cleaning your room including dusting and vacuuming will also ensure that the air is cleaner which leads to a better night’s sleep!

8.  Clean the bathroom toilet.

We already don’t have to tell you that a toilet is one of the most germ-infested objects in your house. Learn how to properly clean your toilet with the right cleaning products to get the job done.

9.  Go food shopping.

Learn to shop for the essentials while keeping within your household budget! Make sure you go to the store with a list of what you need, so you don’t stray toward things you don’t really need.

10. Get an I.D. Card.

By the later part of high school, most students get a driver's license, which automatically acts as an ID. However, if you don’t have a driver’s license, make sure you obtain some form of ID in order to travel or for safety concerns.


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