Girls’ Edition: 4 Tips to Make Friends & Be Confident

Victoria Zervoudis, 14 years old

I’m so glad you’re here to read my article! Over the years, I have always wondered about things like, "How do I make friends without making a fool out of myself?... How do I become more confident, but also not come off too strong?” I’ve had so many amazing people in my life to help me with these struggles of mine and, other girls, but sometimes I just wish I could hear it from a fellow girl my age; someone that knows and can feel exactly where I am coming from.

Here I am for you!

Tip #1 How to make more friends

Making friends is honestly a simple task. One thing I can tell you, which I wish I had realized sooner, is to give everyone a chance to be a friend. It doesn’t matter whether they are “popular” or not. You’ll realize how great people are. Now, I know that it isn’t always that easy for some people to go up to someone and say, “Hey, what’s up?” because starting a conversation just like that can feel awkward. We have that little voice in our head telling us to hold back and that we could POSSIBLY embarrass ourselves. You need to ignore that completely! Just go say “hey” to someone. It’s as easy as that! Be kind and accepting of everyone. This will make it much easier to make friends. 

Tip #2: Join a club!

Whether it’s a sports team, student council, or any club you have an interest in, you should join it! I know it sounds hard, but trust me, when you are in the club, you’re forced to interact with others and it becomes much easier. You are all there for the same interest and to enjoy the same activities, so why not try and bond over it? Remember, it takes time so try your best and it will happen! I believe in you.

Tip #3 How to be confident

This is something I’ve always had a lot of difficulty with. Confidence and self-love are not something that just comes naturally for some. It takes time and work. The first step to having confidence is honestly just to “fake it till’ you make it!” Now, I’m sure you have heard this before, but let me tell you…it works! Act like you are all that and FULL of confidence, and eventually, you will genuinely feel like it and believe in yourself! You can’t walk around with your head down and your head filled with negative self-thoughts. This gets you NO WHERE. EVER. You need to wake up and think, “Dang, I look good today!” or, “Wow…look how beautiful I look!” Affirmations are about standing in the mirror and telling yourself everything you love about what you see. This will help build your self-esteem!

Tip #4 Don’t care so much

You need to stop caring so much about what other people think of you. This is easier said than done, but having confidence or lack of, is the way you think people may perceive you. Be true to yourself, because the people worth being friends with, will support and love you just the way you are!

You were given one body and soul, so why not make the best of it? Remember, this takes time, but let me tell you, in the end, it is incredibly worth it!

About Victoria: I am 14 years old. I go to Pascack Valley High School. I love my family, nature, and adventures. 


A Girl on the Rise