3 Tips for a Stress-Free College Experience

By Jolene Murphy

Going to college can be an overwhelming thought for a senior in high school. Seventeen-year-old me was terrified to turn eighteen, graduate, and take the big steps that come with legal adulthood. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that everything will be OK! So here is some friendly advice for any seniors who are struggling with the thought of going to college and taking their first steps into adulthood:

There is a college for everyone.

Most students have a favorite school they want to go to, but they may not get in or may not be able to afford it. Students end up at different schools for all sorts of reasons. The honest truth is it doesn't matter where you go, but more about what you learn, make of yourself, and take from the experience. Remember everyone's experience is different, so go in with an open mind. College is a chance to finally get involved in everything you've ever wanted to, so don't be afraid to be yourself and work towards who you want to become. Stay true to yourself, be fearless and I promise you will be okay! 

Listen to yourself. 

College is a life-changing experience and takes time to adjust to. All of this definitely takes a toll on your mental health and overall well-being. Living on your own is a huge adjustment, so take some time to really take care of yourself. Journaling and listening to music are great ways to relax and unwind. Make sure you eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep. If you haven’t found your outlet, try a new hobby. Being able to balance my personal life and manage my time has been a huge goal for me. Do whatever feels best for you!

You are never stuck.

Life can sometimes feel a bit hopeless. An overload in school work and balancing your social life can affect your college experience, but remember you are never stuck. There is always the option to go home, transfer, or even decide that college is not meant for you. What's meant for you will find you, but it’s important to stay positive, productive, and explore every option. Always ask for help and reach out to your contacts who may have ideas for you (hint: WONDER GIRLS!) You will be surprised at how many people are willing to support you in your life journey.  

About Jolene Murphy:

Jolene is a graduate of North Rockland High School and a Wonder Girls graduate. She loves to write, listen to music, and spend quality time with friends.


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