How I Became A Special Education Teacher

Today’s feature is an extra special one dedicated to Kristin Einwohner, a special education teacher at Ramapo Highschool, who has an incredible passion for teaching and helping her students be the best that they can be. Kristin is hearing-impaired but never allowed her handicap to hold her back. If anyone has ever met Kristin, you will feel instant happiness. She is one of those people who will always make you feel better with her loving ways and thoughtfulness. She is an incredible teacher and is loved by all of her students.

What is your job title/company name and role?

I am a Special Education teacher at Ramapo High School. I teach Resource Room and English.

Kristin Einwonher Headshot.jpg

Where and what did you study in college?

I went to Fordham University and studied Psychology and Education. My Master's Degree is in Special Education.

What was that pivotal moment that you knew this is what you wanted to do as a career?

I have always loved working with children and teens, almost all of the jobs I've had have been centered around working with youth. I knew I wanted to be a teacher for a few reasons; my own childhood experiences as a profoundly deaf student growing up in the mainstream classroom setting and knowing how much the right support makes all the difference in a student's self-esteem and growth. Also, when I worked as a camp counselor I was a one-on-one aide for a child with cerebral palsy who inspired me to explore other avenues of education. The next summer I worked in the Jawonio Summer Education Program with children who had multiple special education needs. Prior to this, I had worked with children with all different dispositions and personalities, but never before had I worked with a full camp of children who were so happy that it was contagious! These children faced more challenges than any children I had ever worked with before, yet they were the most optimistic of all as well. It was amazing to me and it reminded me to appreciate life to the fullest. They captivated my heart and it was then that I was certain I would focus on special education.

Tell us a personal/professional challenge you faced and how you overcame it.

Everyone has challenges that they face and strive to overcome. For me, the lifelong challenge I have faced is to always push myself to do as well as I possibly can despite my hearing loss. I have had to work hard to do that and oftentimes because I don't always make it obvious that I struggle, people forget or don't realize how challenging it can be. I am very thankful that there are people around me in my life that help and do whatever they can to help smooth the path for me, especially during a pandemic when everyone is wearing masks and communication has become extremely challenging!

If you could give yourself advice while you were in high school, what would it be?

I would advise my high school self that everything always works out, not to be nervous about the future and the unknown, but to welcome it and enjoy the ride. Always use your voice to speak up when the time is right.


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