5 Tips to Avoid Procrastination

Prone to procrastination? Here are 5 tips to avoid waiting until the last minute! 

When working on a task do you do any or all of the following: 

  • Struggle to get started and give up when you’ve had enough. 

  • Get distracted by a text or cute Instagram cat reel 

  • Say, “I have time to do it later,” but never get around to doing it. 

If you said all of the above, unfortunately, you have a case of procrastination. But don’t worry, I’ve got five tips to help you overcome procrastination! 

Procrastination forms when you are most vulnerable, it grows under your lack of motivation, confidence, and focus. Its goal is to diminish your work ethic and keep you from the tasks you need to accomplish. The first step to avoiding the spread of procrastination is to be aware that it is occurring. 

#1 Awareness: Recognize you are procrastinating. Identifying that you are distracted and inattentive to the work you are completing can help you stop and fix your work behavior. For example, are you constantly checking your phone when doing homework?  Having your phone next to you at all times could definitely be a factor.  Becoming aware of your lack of productivity and knowing what could be causing it, can help you improve on future time management skills and organizational techniques. 

#2 Understanding: Discover why you are procrastinating. One of the main reasons for procrastination is the fear of inadequacy. The stress of self-doubt and failure are significant factors. It festers in your mind and can give you anxiety, but understanding it can help you discover an effective way of combating it. 

#3 Strategize: Work on strategies to prevent further procrastination. Procrastination is natural, it is always something we are going to experience, however, that doesn’t mean we have to let it win. Think of different ways to work around your procrastination, such as switching your environment. Instead of working at home choose an environment that will keep you busy such as a library. Being present with others while working can positively influence an individual’s performance and effort. Additionally, engaging in a cooperative learning environment with friends or classmates can help boost your work ethic and concentration. 

#4 Motivate: You can be aware, understand, and strategize all you want, but the key to fighting procrastination is to get motivated. Set rewards every time you accomplish a task. Giving yourself incentives can extrinsically motivate you to finish your work and remove any room for procrastination. 

#5 Accountability: You are responsible for yourself and your work, so remember to hold yourself accountable. It can be difficult to overcome procrastination, but taking accountability can push you to eliminate negative habits and develop a realistic standard for the work you want to create. 

Procrastination will always be there to take advantage of you, however hopefully with these newfound tips, you recognize the importance of tackling tasks early to help remove procrastination from your life. Having a routine will encourage you to practice good habits and become a pro at stopping procrastination. 

About Adriana Rodriguez: I am 18 years old.  I will be attending Montclair State University in the fall to study Jurisprudence and Law and Society.  I love advocacy, fashion, and fantasy novels.


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